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Data for Politics

Moonbrush Political Services

If you could sit with every voter for 15 minutes, you'd probably win their vote. With Moonbrush, we target your voters with truly tailored pitches to millions of voters in a way that's catered to your campaign.


Welcome to Moonbrush's Political Services, where data-driven strategy meets the dynamism of political campaigning. From unlimited texting to thousands of data points on every adult in the United States, our comprehensive suite of tools and insights is designed to empower political candidates and campaigns to win your election.


We leverage vast datasets, including billions of internet cookies, social media analysis, and targeted data collection methods, to provide bespoke solutions for audience building, targeted messaging, efficient fundraising, and robust campaign growth. Whether you’re looking to build your brand, engage with voters, increase donations, or drive voter turnout, our tailored services ensure your campaign has the cutting-edge advantage to succeed in today’s competitive political landscape.

Moonbrush Political Data

Voting History

Political Party Affiliation

Political Donation History

Key Issue Prioritization

Policy Opinion Surveys

Political Event Attendance

Activism and Advocacy Participation

Social Media Political Engagement

Political Influencer Following

Political News Consumption

Demographic Correlations

Geographic Voting Patterns

Community Issues & Concerns

Political Membership



Specific Politicians

Border Security & Immigration

Climate Change & Energy

Local Political Issues (1M+)

Healthcare Reform

Economic Recovery & Growth

Gun Control

Social Issues

Tax Reform


National Security

& Over 100 More!

Contact Us to Take Your Campaign to the Next Level!

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